Sunday, July 25, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake - it's a BIG deal

The first time that I made these Strawberry Shortcake cupcakes I called Fran and was telling her how fantastic the final product was. Fran thought I was going crazy over nothing, but today we remade the recipe and now she knows why I was making them a big deal.

Basically, same recipe as already before except this time we put some strawberry puree in the batter as well. We loved the look of the cake with the strawberry puree...a light brownish color. It compliments the pink strawberry frosting.

This time we also added a strawberry garnish fanned out in 3 pieces with a peppermint leaf.

Everything about this recipe was perfect...moist, fluffy, not too sweet, geniune strawberry flavor, and great presentation.


  1. That cupcake is beautiful, I wish I could grab it off the screen and eat it.

  2. Hi Chris! Thanks for following the blog :-)

  3. Hi I'm new to your site but had to bookmark it because all of your stuff looks amazing!! It's only 9:30 in the morning and already I want cake! Anyways, how much strawberry puree did you use for the cake batter? I would looooove to make these for my coworkers. Thanks and happy baking!

  4. @Anonymous...sorry for the very late response. We used 1/2 cup of puree. It really all depends on your batter. Try it out and if it doesn't work, add more if it's too dry, or reduce if it's too wet. Thanks for bookmarking us!
