Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spring time decor

So I'm itching to bake some more and use of the frosting that I used a couple days ago....what to do? So I whipped up another batch of chocolate cupcakes, but this time with some dark chocolate in it. Using the frosting that I had previously, I took my first attempt at making flowers. I was a bit shaky at first, but I think they came out well despite the fact that it was my first time making these things. I think I'm going to continue practicing making these flowers better looking. I'd have to say I was quite proud of myself for trying something different today!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Springtime is here and Valentines day is on it's way!

The holiday got me so busy with a bunch of STUFF, that I was taken away from all the cupcake baking. Annie used to do a lot of the blogging and since she's moved away it's been tough. I baked some chocolate and pumpkin cupcakes for her going away party in October last year. I had Ji, my boyfriend, help me out with some of the frosting and placement of sprinkles and spiders...LOL!

I lost some motivation to bake, but I started up again because I got an order...and now that the weather is nice and all the craziness with the holidays is over, I'M BACK!!!!!

I got an order from my loan officer to bake some cupcakes for her son's class, and it was chef's choice. Here's what I made: Chocolate with Italian Meringue Butter Cream (IMBC)